Punch a relativist. They have already given us their consent; as long as you have a majority vote.

To put it across crudely, relativism is just moral democracy. We select a panel of fickle judges to decide what is permissible, and treat it as a law. It is funny how our laws keep changing when law is defined as “a statement of a relation or sequence of phenomena invariable under the same conditions”.*

Well, I’m already aware of the (possible, if there is one) weakness of the above definition. The conditions have changed… that is what they always claim. It is true. You have got to give it to them. Living conditions have changed, technology has changed, but the human condition has not. Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy & pride existed in the early centuries and they still do. We have merely become more innovative in our methods of committing them; pride is confidence, lust is abstract art, so on and so forth.

In future, just go ahead and punch a relativist. All the theists will say “Aye!”
