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This is an appeal to all the shadow readers out there.  I know I have got hundreds over of you out there silently reading this. Really need to enlist all the help I can get from you guys on this one…

How would you change a country, as who you are now?

It could be anything: a policy, a culture, a law, anything at all.

How would you do it? Post a comment with your ideas. It can be as idealistic as you want, while staying as realistic as possible. Anything at all, but it must be possible, even if the idea is only remotely feasible. I thought that perhaps each of us could inspire one another and build up this list of possibilities. This is not a political question in nature; it is social, cultural etc… The country for us could be mean as exclusive as a corporation or as inclusive as the entire world. Thus, “a country” is more of a generic term. And since we are at it, I thought to myself, “Why not aim for the moon?”

Hence here is our target: 100 comment/suggestions on how to change the country.

Let’s not hold back or be shy on this one. We must not allow our apathy silence the potency of our impact! There is no comment too small, no suggestion too ridiculous; as long as it is remotely feasible, it is worth a shot!

World changers, let us unite through our ideals!